Jason Hill

Hi, my name is Jason Hill and this website is about me.


Where was I born?

South Korea

How old am I?

younger than my parents

What is my favorite food?

Dolsot bibimbap

What are my hobbies?

Boogie boarding, riding a Onewheel, making money, cooking, flying, and running


I love driving, however when not behind the wheel, I like riding. I love almost anything I learn how to ride. Currently my favorites are boogie boards, bikes, Onewheels, roller blades, and longboards.

The Woods

Something I really appretiate is spending time in nature. Even though I haven't done a lot of it, one of my favorite things is backpacking. But I also enjoy fishing, camping, and hiking.

Under the Sea

Another one of my hobbies is scuba diving. I was able to get my license my freshman year in highschool, and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life.